Sunday, July 5, 2015

Vol. 2 Issue 7 July 2015


On June 26, 2015 the US Supreme Court issued their ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges that all 50 states “are required to grant a marriage license to same-sex couples and recognize valid same-sex marriages.” The aftershocks of this ruling are sure to reverberate through the political landscape for years to come. For the church though, the political issues are of secondary importance. What is of primary importance to the faithful is how do we faithfully confess what the Scriptures teach and offer a rational and Biblical defense for marriage as God instituted it in Eden? Over the next few months I will use this venue to explore some of the arguments made in support of homosexual marriage which marshal the Scriptures to their side. Far from being an academic exercise, this is intended to help you defend the faith in your own vocations to which the Lord has called you.

The first, and arguably the most difficult, defense of same-sex marriage happens when someone quotes 1 John 4:8, “God is love.” When this Scripture is used to defend homosexual marriage two things are happening simultaneously. The first is that love is being defined in a different way than it is used in the rest of the Scriptures. The second is that this attribute of God (love) is played off against another attribute of God, His holiness. What is significant about both of these tactics isn’t just that they deconstruct language and God at the same time. The real significance is that these two tactics remove Christ and His cross from “God is love.”

God’s love in the Scripture is always manifesting in a saving action. The most well-known passage in Scripture, John 3:16, shows us this. “God so loved the world.” But how did God love the world? “That He gave His only-Begotten Son that whosoever

believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” God reveals His love chiefly in the Incarnation of Christ. The Incarnation is for a specific purpose as well. St. Paul writes in Romans 5:8, “God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” God’s love is revealed in Christ dying for our sins.

The love of God is found in Christ Jesus crucified to atone for sins. God’s love is such that He “desires all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (1 Timothy 2:4) What is the truth? Jesus says, “I am the truth.” (John 14:6) God loves sinners enough to cast His wrath upon Jesus so that sinners may repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus. The love of God is found only in Christ Jesus.

When “God is love” is used to defend sinful action, the word ‘love’ is being said but the meaning is changed to ‘tolerant.’ The meaning of the word is changed while the same word is used. Functionally, a new word is being made. It is spelled L-O-V-E but is means something entirely different. The God of the “God is love” crowd is not a God who loves sinners enough to die for them. Their god is an idol who dismisses their deviancy and winks at their sin. The ironic truth is that such a god would be horribly unloving! Their god does not truly love you enough to condemn you so that he might justify you, to kill you so that he can make you truly alive. Love is not toleration of abhorrent or self-destructive behavior. Ask any parent. Love does not mean allowing children to do whatever they want. Otherwise cake and jellybeans would be for breakfast, followed by playtime on the highway.

The second thing that the ‘God is love’ defense does is to play off one attribute of God against

another. God is most certainly love, but it is a real love which saves from sin, not a toleration which leaves sinners to their destructive ways. 1 John 4:8 is absolutely true. God is love. But God is also holy. Doesn’t the Lord say in Leviticus 11:45, “You shall therefore be holy, for I am holy.” This imperative is continued in the New Testament epistles. Holiness means to be set apart for sacred purposes. To be holy means to be pure from the taint of sin.

God is holy and therefore must judge sinners for their lack of holiness. To claim that God is love (read: toleration) negates God’s claim to be holy. Neither are their degrees of holiness. God is either holy or He is not. He either condemns wickedness, as Psalm 5:4 says, or He condones it. While we’re at it, we can also mention another attribute of God: justice, which is closely related to holiness. The justice of God is what demands punishment for sin since sin is a violation of God’s holiness. The ‘God is love’ crowd do not have a god who is just, just as they do not have a god who is holy, just as they do not have a god who loves because in their mind there is no punishment for sin. To this crowd, there is no sin for God to condemn. Neither is there is any need for Jesus, the cross, and the Gospel.

The entire point of Christ crucified for sinners is that the justice of God against sinners be satisfied. The author of Hebrews writes that “without shedding of blood there is no remission.” (Hebrews 9:22) Blood must be shed to atone for sin. It should be our blood. But in mercy God the Father puts forward His only-Begotten Son. God the Father sacrifices His Isaac so that we don’t have to die eternally in Hell. In God’s justice Christ dies with our sins so that all who trust Christ’s atonement are credited as righteous. St. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:21, “He made Him who knew no sin

to be sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him.”

Using 1 John 4:8, “God is love,” to defend homosexual marriage (or any sin for that matter) is a far graver offense than simply misusing Scripture. Using this passage to defend such things uses the Scripture to make another god entirely. If God tolerates sin at the expense of His holiness He ceases to be God. The god of the ‘God is love’ crowd is not the God of Holy Scripture but an idol that resembles the desires of their own hearts. They desire a God who will leave them alone and make no demands on faith or life. They do not want a God who condemns so they have no need for a God who saves from sin.

It seems so benign (and even pious) to quote Scripture in defense of any position. But we must not be intimidated by just any use of Scripture. That is what Satan did to our Lord in the wilderness in Matthew 4 to tempt Jesus to sin. In those temptations Satan twisted the Scriptures and in so twisting them he made a false god to lead Christ astray. The old evil foe still works in the same manner today as he deceives many, even Christians, into mishandling the Scriptures. Homosexual marriage is not Satan’s ultimate goal. This issue is one of many tools with which to tempt people make a god in their own image, more like their own sensibilities than the God of Scripture, which always ends up as a Jesus-less god.

God is love. This is most certainly true. He is also holy and just. Each of these attributes lead us to Christ crucified for sinners, THE manifestation of God’s love for all sinners, homosexual and heterosexual alike, that all may repent of their sins and believe the Gospel of the forgiveness of sins.